Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blog 44 Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

I have a feeling that I didn't do well on the science test. Well, that was expected, since I barely studied, and didn't really have the willpower to do well (this term in general compared to previous term). I didn't really have any goals either. I know I will get 9 questions wrong (randomly put answers), so the maximum I can get would be 86-88 %. To get an A, you need 86% or higher. I personally would be fine with a B, whether low or high, but there's the possibility I would get a C+. Not that I cared that much though. Then again, I do care quite a bit, so disregard what I just said.
We completed a Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study test, which basically just testeed our knowledge in math and science. I thought I did very very well in math, and did very very bad in science, because I learnt almost 0% of the things tested. I believe the average would be about 50% more or less.
Oh gosh. I have so much homework piling up. Most of it, though, are the applied skills things and GO things. Plus, I really do need to do some short, medium, and long-term planning, plus set a couple of goals. I do have many goals, but not on paper.
Oh, and by the way, I have been listening to Denise Ho. She's...okay, I guess. Jade Kwan (or whatever her last name is) is not that bad either. She sort of stands out, but she hasn't reached super stardom yet. Not that I'd expect her to. Joey Yung has done that, and she's not bad either.
Virginia Tech. Another school massacre tragedy. I thought they'd learned from Columbine. I guess not. Sigh.
That reminds me sort of all the other tragedies that happened in the world recently. And then I think of how many Virginia Tech-level tragedies that happen every single day, hour, without any global media attentioin whatsoever.
Our priorities are reflected surprisingly accurately in the media everyday. Utada Hikaru's divorce got more media attention then another anonymous person dying in some far away foreing country. Okay, the example I used may not have been the best one, but you get the idea. Not that I'm attemptying to imply that the divorce was not important in anyway; no. Nor am I saying that there's no need to care about Virginia Tech.
I tend to be wary of groups that have race as an entry requisite. It reminds me of racism, no matter whatever the race is. Especially if they're doing something like 'the greatest race' ever. There is no 'the greatest' race ever. If there ever was, they would not call themselves 'the greatest race ever'. What is a requirement for a great race? survivability? Morals? Civility? Gosh, races are unique, and just because you surpased them in living standards, civil rights, etc., that DOES NTO MEAN you are the greatest race ever. People are unique. UGH! A certain race may value these thigns, while another race may be spiritually superior. Oh, and by the way, I'm NOT refering to any facebook group whatsoever.
Nevertheless, I think of all pro-white groups as white supremicists. Unless, if, say, they're operating in Zimbabwe or something. Then they aren't. But, I am also not happy at all by ethnocentricism by any culture. Especially if you're in foreign country.
Religion is another thing. There are many ways to coexist, but, well, in some people, religion is what they view it as, not exactly what it is taught by their leaders/deities/books,e tc. I generally try not to argue with a devoted follower of a certain religion about something that is sensitive, because, well, what's the use of winning the argument? They won'ot change.
I believe I'm sick, cause, I'm coughig a lot. It's not fun, obvioiusly.

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