Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Blogs 48-52

Ah. I've finally begun to feel better. When ever I get sick, I usually am sick for a significantly longer time than the average person. So, I will try to 'remember' what I was thinking for the last couple of days.

Saturday April 21, 2007 Blog 48 Porto Novo

Very very luckily, there is no Chinese school today. However, I really don't feel well. It's the worst day so far. Hopefully, things will get better from today on. Even so, there is a lot of homework that I have to do. For some reason, I'm not worried. Thigns usually work out in the end. But, when that thought appears, its a warning sign that something is going wrong.

Sunday April 22, 2007 Blog 49 Nouakchott

I've caught up on some music listening. Eason Chan for some reason has a very appealing voice, but there's nothing really special about it. Sadly, though, the social side of him isn't that good. Some of his comments, although factually correct, weren't really called for. For example, Ayumi Hamasaki had a concert in Hong Kong recently. Chan accused of Hamasaki of lip synching (sp). Which was probably true. But nevertheless, even if it was true, Chan didn't have to say that. Now, of course, this is all assuming that Chan indeed did say that, and it wasn't contorted by some reporter or a publicity agent or whatever.

Monday April 23. 2007 Blog 50 Kindu

I looked at my math mark today. Usually, math is the subject which I am most not worried about. Although I never ever have the highest mark in the class, I usually get a high A. Well, today, it dropped to a 82.7%. That was because of two things: the first, I got a 4/7 on a test. Second, on Thursday, which I was absent, she didn't omit the mark, but said that I didn't hand it in, and gave me a 0. Oh well. Hopefully, it'll return to an A, albeit a low one. I'm not sure if I can get into Math 9 Enriched next year though.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot! France and Nigeria Votes!!!!!!! As far as I know, Royal and Sarkozy advance to the next stage, while Umaru Yar'Adua won in a highly controversial election accused of rampant electoral fraud. Which I would believe to be true.

Tuesday April 24, 2007 Blog 51 Heidelberg

Today, I didn't go to school for the first two blocks because I needed my sleep. Yesterday, I came home, ate, then slept, then woke up (because of a fierce argument raging downstairs), then slept at 12:30. I really had a lot of trouble waking up, so I just slept. I think I needed it...Right now, I feel very sleepy.
However, after school, I did manage to get started on the several projects we have. Sigh. We have like 7 projects going on at once, and several of them have really short timelines. However, I think a couple of them could be classified as assignments rather than projects.
I really don't have a good grasp of languages. As you probably would have noticed, my English is full of grammatical errors, incorrect usage of words, phrases, and English. In French, my pronounciation is terrible.

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