Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Unit 2 Social Studies

Chapter 3

Section 1

1) L0cate:
Pyrenees Mountains: mountains that divide modern day France and Spain.
Tours: A historic city in France.
Aachen: A historic city in Germany, to the west of the Rhine River.

2) Identify:
Clovis: King of the Franks, he led his country to fame in the late 400’s, conquering the lands between Pyrenees and central Europe. Charles Martel: The Frankish Mayor of the Palace, he was the de facto leader of the Frankish Kingdom. He was also responsible for forming a centralized government and the Carolingian Dynasty. Charlemagne: Charles the Great, the king reigning from 768 to 814. He was very important and respected.
Alcuin: A learned monk who was ordered to set up a palace school for the nobles’ sons. Treaty of Verdun: Treaty written by Charlemagne’s grandsons to divide the empire into three kingdoms.
Danelaw: Area in England occupied by the Danes.

3) Define:
Heretic: Enemies of the Church.
missi dominici: Royal officials that are responcible for keeping nobles in line.
parish: A district led by a priest.
tithe: Tax paid to the Church.
illumination: Art of beautifying pages by decorating the first letter of the chapter as well as the borders.

4) List two ways in which government in the German kingdoms differed from Roman government.:Firstly, Germanic governing was mostly based on custom, rather than extensive laws. Secondly, the German kingdoms relied on loyal warriors, rather than the people.

5) List three steps taken by Charlemagne to improve education.
Charlemagne invited scholars from all over Europe to his court. He also ordered monasteries to created place of learning and libraries. In addition, he created rules, which standardized education for the clergy.

6) What groups invaded Western Europe in the eighth and ninth century?
The Vikings/Danes, the Magyars, the Muslim, and the Slavs all invaded at one point or another.

Section 2

1) Define:
feudalism: A ruling system in which a king or a noble would grant land to his lesser nobles, and in turn grant land to his lesser nobles, etc. in return for military service, fees, and other.
knight: The lowest level of nobles, knights were mounted warriors who worked for his lord(s).
lord: A level of nobility.
vassal: A lesser lord when referred to relative to his superior lord.
feudal contract: A mutual agreement stating the responsibilities and rights of the lord and his knight.
fief: An estate given to a lord’s vassals.
chivalry: A code of conduct for knights which emphasized bravery, loyalty, and generousity.
tribadour: Wandering poets which entertained nobles at their castles.

2) How did the stirrup affect the nature of warfare?
The stirrup made armored knights on horses possible. However, the armor and horses were costly and difficult to master, therefore, training loyal knights was desirable. Since offering money was not an option, Charles Martel decided to offer land for military service. This helped feudalism expand, and with it, brought in a new form of warfare: feudal warfare.

3) (a) What duties did a vassal have?
The vassal was responsible for military service, payments, participating/influencing legal decisions, and other various services.
(b) What were the responsibilities of a lord?
The lord must protect his vassals , provide a court to settle disputes, and a guardian for the young children of a dead vassal.

4. (a) Where did feudalism develop first?
Feudalism first developed in northern France, then spread to surrounding western Germany, the Netherlands, and England.
(b) Where was feudalism weakest?
It was weakest at the frontier, in places like eastern Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain, and also in Italy.

5) List three causes of feudal warfare.
Nobles fought with each other over land, inheritance, power, etc. Warfare was usually used to solve conflicts involving rights/obligations of a vassal. Plus, many nobles enjoyed warfare.

6) How did the treatment of women change in the 1100’s?
Troubadours glorified noblewomen in their pieces of work, and the code of chivalry granted them protection and cherishment.

Section 4: The Medieval Church

1) Identify:
Peace of God: A tactic used by the Church to reduce feudal warfare, the Peace of God was a period in which there should be no fighting.
Inquisition: A court created by the Church to deal with people suspected of heresy, or having views that conflicted with those of the Church.
Rule of St. Benedict: Created by St. Benedict, his rule emphasized asceticism and was used by his monastery and other religious orders.
Hilda: One of the most famous nuns of all time, Abbess Hilda was greatly respected by even the royal families.
Francis of Assisi: Although a wealthy young man, he chose to be a monk, and established the Franciscan order of monks.
Dominic: A founder of another order of monks, the Dominicians.
Book of Kells: An illuminated religious manuscript.
Albigensians: Based in southern France, their views conflicted with those of the Church’s, and were eliminated by them.
2) Define:
Sacrament: The seven sacred rites, which led to life in heaven.
Excommunication: When a Christian disobeyed the Church, he/she could be excommunicated, and then they would be treated as outcasts.
Simony: The trade of religious offices.
3) What two tasks faced the Church in the early Middle Ages?
They had to convert non-Christians, and to adapt the Church organization.
4) Describe two ways in which the Church influenced feudal society.
Almost all official ceremonies in feudal society had ties to the Church. The clergy had control of many tracts of land, and there were parishes all over the place.
5) Why did Christians believe the sacraments were important?
Due to the fact that only the sacraments could lead to salvation and life in heaven, the sacraments were very important. The Christians thought that life in heaven was much more important than life on earth.
6) List two ways in which religious orders improved medieval life.
Some of the religious orders were also charitable organizations, and helped the well-being of the society. Others were like research and development labs, and discovered new techniques which benefited most of the citizens.
7) How did the Cluny reforms affect the Church?
The reforms helped improve discipline in the clergy.


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