Sunday, March 25, 2007

Family Reflections Lesson 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Lesson 16
Have every family member choose one role that relates to your family (e.g.., son, sister, father); set a goal that will have a positive impact in that relationship.

A goal is not the preferred method of improving and sharpening the saw to some people. A family member thought that having a goal causes other things to drop in importance, and if you have motivation and the means to do something, you just do it. Goals are quite restrictive too, and sometimes priorities are more of...feeling based.

Lesson 17

Lesson 18
A family member (not pointing out specifics) We operate in a very relaxed member, although we tend to be very quick to criticize the other, but this is generally in fun. We are quite comfortable with this.

Lesson 19 How can you help each other continue to think and practice win-win?:
The majority of family members think win-win, although some (including me sometimes) have a bit of trouble with that. In order to help us think win-win, a person who is neutral in the discussion or an outsider (to the discussion) can step in and remind the participants to think win-win. Then, we should immediately drop the issue, and talk about it again later, giving us time to reflect.

Lesson 20: Are there any situations at home that could benefit or be guided more clearly by drawing up a win-win agreement?
Not really. As of now, there aren't any situation in which a win-win agreement is needed, since no problems have arised, or they have arised but are resolved quickly. In most cases, the problems that may arise most likely won't be solved by a win-win agreement. In our family, we don't really have any written or verbal agreements, since we honestly don't care that much if somebody doesn't do something or whatever, and anyways, there is a sense that agreements are too binding, and they carry a negative conotation (bwc, sp).

LESSON 21: As a family, do you sometimes find yourselves not listening to each other? Does your family use some of the same inattentive listening styles that you saw on the video?

All the time! Oh, you should see me listen to other people! I part-pretend listen some of the time (although my brain is constantly thinking what I can do), and also word listening. Oh, and sometimes some of us pretend that we can't hear, even though its obvious we can. Especially if one of us is doing something at the time, ESPECIALLY if some of us are at the computer at the time!

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