Saturday, March 31, 2007

Creative Thinking Blog (Blog 26)

Ah.. Yess..., I've missed the last two blogs. But I don't have much time now, I'll just blog about creative thinking.

Sometimes, well, imagination shouldn't advance beyond that stage, it should just be left there. But for all the other things that we really want to do, it just...never reaches fruictation (sp, bwc). At our old school, our teacher also taught as a bit about that, but sometimes she didn't explain all the reasons. Not that she needed to anyways, we probably would have forgotten after an hour. I remember that Osler was very famous for its Future Problem Solving team, and we also learnt a bit about that. Even so, I haven't really applied it to my own problems. As of now, I do have some really big problems, and I definetly need to utilize it.

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