Sunday, March 25, 2007

Family Reflections 22, 23, 24

LESSON 22: Get your family together and decide to practice listening with your heart this week. Discuss among your family how you all feel when you're really listened to.
As of now, the Vancouver branch is currently doing it, while it will soon be in effect at other branches.

LESSON 23: What are some of the nonverbal ways your family communicates, e.g.., body language & attitude? How do you all interpret those signals?
Tone of voice and facial expressions are the most important. You can tell everything about a persons feelings, whether they really care about what you're talking, whether they will actually follow through on what they say, etc.

LESSON 24: Review the effectiveness of Z's communication in the video. What are examples of the ways your family communicates with one another effectively? In what instances are your family's communications ineffective?
We did not review Z's communication, but we did talk about our own ways of communication. We communicate very effectively when we're all happy, caring, and passionate about the subject at hand. However, we aren't very effective when we're defensive, angry, short-tempered, which happens when we're passionately divided over an issue, and cannot think from another person's perspective, and come from the PoV that I'm right, and you're wrong.

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