Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I put yesterday's blog back at my old Windows Live Space, but it was only a couple of lines.

Blogger didn't let me type anything yesterday, and Windows Live was just as slow as I remembered it to be. I will get a new blog sooner or later, because I've been having lots of trouble with Blogger.

Today wasn't such a nice day.

I found out something that disappointed me. Anyways, usually I would rant about how poorly I did (I remember back at the very first term I was supposed to get an I in the film studies unit), but this time I did so bad that I hope nobody will ever notice.

Well, actually, I don't think I should care what other people think, but I do.

My first reaction was shock, and I didn't feel that happy.

2. I thought how other would think, and I got a little unhappy.

3. I thought of the actual consequences of this mark, and I was actually content, because there seemed to be lots of advantages

4. I forgot completely about if for a long long time

5. After I got home and worked on some stuff, I remembered what happened, then I became very very unhappy.

Throughout this entire process, I realized how much I cared about how other people think. There was also one person later on who I talked to, and that person dropped some not-so-subtle hints of what he thought about me, and that made me want to never ever talk to that person again.

It was partially his fault, but I shouldn't care that much. I thought I wouldn't care that much honestly, but apparently I do.

There will always be some jerk who thinks he/she deserves something (almost always marks) better than me, and make it clear, and there will always be some jerk who thinks that I am a total retard/jerk/(insert derogatory adjective), and I need to not let them affect what I feel.

Anyways, I had some sleep problems again. I slept at 4:00 on Monday morning even though I went to bed at 11:00 on Sunday night.

However, it didn't feel like stress so much, because I wasn't anxious or depressed like I usually am when that happens. Good thing was that it lasted only for one night.

Now, on to the good things.

I got my piano tuned, and it sounds so much better now.

Last week I got a mark back which I was pretty happy with. And I also got two term grades back which I was very disappointed with. Both were 85%'s. One I do not know how high, the other was between 85.1 and 85.5 %, apparently. In both cases, the teacher didn't tell me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dont worry, ure not the only one who cant sleep sometimes. if u find a night that u just can fall asleep no matter what, switch to the other side of the bed (sleep with ur head on the side that ur feet usually are). i hope this helps :D