Monday, May 12, 2008


HEART STATION is now number one on the Oricon daily charts.


It's now 8 weeks since the album's release, and for an album to do that in Japan is unheard of for the last couple of years. Sure, it is a slow sales week, but considering that she hasn't reached number 1 ever since the first week...

The power of drama tie-in's.

Prisoner of Love is the drama tie-in for 'Last Friends'( ラスト・フレンズ), and drama tie-in do wonders for a song's popularity/sales. By the way, its on every Thursday at 22:00 on Fuji TV (which I think is on channel 8). That is, if you're living in Tokyo.

And, HEART STATION has shipped one million copies! She's also sold 20 million albums already. Quite wonderful, isn't it? At the rate things are going, she'll definetly get number one female studio, perhaps female overall, and maybe break one million sold in Japan (definetly she'll get one million globally).

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