Saturday, February 23, 2008

82 Glow

I think I had to worse piano lesson to date yet.

I was playing my Bach Prelude, and I was WORSE than the second week that I played it. And I've played it for 4 months now. I don't know what happened, my fingers seem to have no energy, and even now it is.

My piano teacher, at the end of the lesson was like 'Wow, keep up the practicing, Michael! How much do you practice, 30 minutes?'

She didn't sound sarcastic. Which meant that she was lying.

(And by the way, I practice 1 hour and 30 minutes, but usually only three times every week. Which explains why I'm so bad at it. But this week was exceptionally worse, but I practiced more than last week.)


Anonymous said...

ru planning to do your grade 10 piano sometime? or r u just playing "for fun" now?

good luck!

Anonymous said...

blah, at least you can mildly play
