Friday, February 22, 2008


I handed in my memory book today, and it was really really bad, come to think of it.

I can't exactly say it was creative at all, and it REALLY wasn't on topic, and I didn't even edit it. All of the entires are just a recorded version of my thoughts, and my thoughts don't tend to be organized, so some of them were quite confusing.

And the cover, well... More on that in term 3. If you see it now, you would probably be shocked, surprised, and you would probably have a huge paradigm shift. That is, unless you know the whole story, which at the earliest would be done in Term 3.

Oh, and the daily rankings for HEART STATION/Stay Gold are in.
HS/SG are in second place:
Step & Go - Arashi - 107,689 + 39,384 (x1.75) = 257,377
HS/SG - Utada Hikaru - 8,504 + 6,898 (x1.75) = 26,953

Those numbers are the index numbers, and then the multiplier shows the actual amount of units sold.

As you can see, there is no way HS/SG is going to take weekly second.

Then again, Utada Hikaru usually sell very consistently, and doesn't have such a sharp second week drop off. Plus, she has huge digital downloads, and Arashi doesn't have any. HS is at second and SG is at third place on iTunes Japan, so I'm not worried.

But her physical sales are spiralling down...

Then again, she has an album next month with both the tracks, so not much of a incentive to buy the single.

Also, Ken Hirai is in the same position, except I'm not sure about his single sales. They're weaker than Utada Hikaru's.

But, today, HS/SG has dropped to third. Now, all I'm hoping is that it ends up second weekly...

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