Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Whoops, I forgot the paraphrase and the blog topic again.

Parablog: It's not always easy to get something right.

Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Although we do have to suspend disbelief, sometimes I find myself picking out parts of the piece of work that would never happen in reality. In those cases, I always need to remind myself that this is just a book/game/etc., and not a documentary.

WSD is essential to enjoying a fictional piece of work, otherwise we would spend our energy picking out 'lies' rather than focusing on the entertaining aspects of the piece of work. WSD is found in pretty much all media, and is not limited to things which are intended to entertain, for example, advertisements.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, u can actually find the meaning of the readings. LOL I just summarize the useless stuff...