Saturday, December 15, 2007


I wasn't able to complete my blog yesterday, because of some connections problem again. It was okay earlier, but then later on in the day when I was going to do my blog, it didn't work.

Blog 15
Report cards were issued today, and I'm pretty happy with my marks.
I was several percentages away from an A in Math, and if I did get an A, I would have had straight A's. Oh well. To be honest though, I'm not a straight-A student, so I think this is pretty good for me.
However, I heard that many other schools have principal's list at 7 A's and 1 B, while we have it at 8 A's. Hmph. I guess if we did it that way, there would be too many people in our school getting principal's lists, cause we're so much smarter than the other schools, right?
Okay, I didn't really mean it.

Blog 16
It turns out that I accidentally skipped my piano lesson today.
I thought she said that I didn't have any lesson today, but it turned out that we had.
That's a really big deal, and I totally should have checked again with her.

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