Saturday, October 20, 2007


I will need to spend all of tomorrow working on the various projects, homeworks, and general things on my imaginary to-do list. (I should write down a to-do list.)

Oh, and about the plane that just crashed a day ago...
I heard this conversation on the radio, a lady phoned in to a Chinese radio station to report on what happened. Although this is translated, the actual meaning is very very close to what it means in English.

Host: Hello, miss. Can you please succinctly tell us what you saw today regarding the car crash?
Lady: Oh, the balcony broke, and the airplane went in. (no, that's actually what it means in Chinese)
Host: Oh, thank you, that was put very succinctly. Can you also tell us whether you saw any glass or not?
Lady: No, I couldn't, because glass is transparent.
Host: Also, did you manage to see any flames of any sort?
Lady: No, duh, I already said I didn't see any!!

I love that first line. Her attitudes almost as entertaining as Doris Lessing's.

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