Monday, February 19, 2007

Tarabulus Blog 75

On Chinese TV right now, all they're broadcasting is Chinese New Year events and galas from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Vancouver, and I think Toronto. They've been doing that for the last two days, and I think they'll still do it for the next couple of days.
I forgot completely about not using the internet. I probably used it for like 3 hours today. Then again, the TV was a big enough distraction. I might have to start pasting Post-It notes all over the computer and television reminding me to stay on task. Oh, and I still haven't done all the Go program things yes.
By the way, we're starting a new unit on flight. Right now, we're just making a couple of small general aviation aircrafts from the kits the teacher gave us. I'm not sure if they're modern or not, but I'd doubt it. There were four or five different aircraftts, and I just remembering the Piper Cub and the Cessna 180. I knew Cessna because of its products today, and piper cub from reading either Canadian Airline's or Air Canada's histories. Don't remember though.
However, I really don't know much about theory of flight, etc. I've read maybe one or two articles about it, but that's it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you switched to blogger too... and this years chinese new years gala wasnt as good as last years :)