Wednesday, April 30, 2008

T3-61 タイム・リミット (Time Limit)

I've been reading the blog on the website today.

I love blogs or songs where the artist/writer just had a huge creative break or was pouring out all of their emotions.

Anyways, back to that post. I don't know why, but I felt that I truly understood what that person was talking about, whether or not I actually did. Reading that blog did give me a couple of epiphanies/breakthroughs.

After reading that post, I feel that every word I'm typing here requires so much thought and is so...not fluid. I can't think of a better word.

This morning I was listening to the radio, and a caller phoned in and talked about how the seniors at the senior home where she was working (she was a nurse) were just absolutely full of compassion. She talked about one man who died 48 hours after his wife died, and she attributed his death to 'heartbrokeness'. Obviously, that isn't really what happened, but what she meant was that he lived for her, and how people there do things not out of selfishness, or think about themselves first, but for others first. The radio hosts themselves remarked on how they wish that we could all learn to be compassionate earlier.

Bringing that to MY, there is something going on that very many people aren't happy about. (Also, by the time I'm aware of some gossip, usually more or less everyone has heard of it. I'm the last one on the grapevine.) I'm going to take a step here and say that the reason there is this unhappiness around is because of jealousy and a sense of feeling cheated. If we were truly compassionate, we would genuinely care for the people involved, and try to help them, instead of choosing to be upset (which doesn't help anybody, especially the person who's feeling upset). Instead, this feeling of jealousy is rooted in our selfishness. Now, of course, I'm not saying that everybody that felt upset is a super selfish person, because that's not true at all, because just because we feel jealous about one thing doesn't mean we're selfish overall. How we express that jealousy is also another factor.

Of course though, I can't claim to say that I know every single detail about the issue. No matter what, the underlying ideal is still there, if not for this then for something else.


里维 said...

i'll ignore the last part ;) and concentrate on thanusan's blog. it was so big! it was like...all the blogs i've written in the past combined. i'll read it later, but it's nice to know that there are some blogs beyond the mental capacity of mine

Joyce said...

Michael Ho, you are the equivalent of Confucius. Well, Middle Years.