Saturday, November 17, 2007


Blog 68
Basically I was just so tired I slept and forgot all about Chinese. Which was just as well, as I was not really into doing it. Except I didn't manage to practice piano, which I dearly needed to.

Blog 69
I didn't do well in Chinese today. Oh well.

I also discovered today that there was a higher level of atrociousness (proper word?) with piano that I haven't reached before. Well, I reached it today. I had a study, and it was TERRIBLE. It sounded like as if I practiced only once or twice. My teacher, being who she is, didn't say anything, and said I did excellent (but she says that at the end of every single song to make whoever's playing it feel happy).

Oh, and I didn't do any homework today. Which means I have a mountain of it tomorrow...

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